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Home > Newshosting Newsreader > Installing Newshosting Newsreader - Linux
Installing Newshosting Newsreader - Linux
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Installing Newshosting Newsreader on Linux


The Newshosting Newsreader provides a straightforward way to access Usenet on Linux. Follow these steps to complete the installation:


Step 1: Obtain the Installer

Visit your Newshosting control panel and retrieve the Linux installer.


Step 2: Open a Terminal and Navigate to the Installer

Launch a terminal and change to the directory where the installer is located. If it was saved in the default 'Downloads' directory, use:

cd ~/Downloads/


Step 3: Adjust Installer Permissions

Before running the installer, modify its permissions to allow execution:

chmod 770


Step 4: Run the Installer

Execute the installer by entering:


The setup wizard will appear, guiding you through the installation process.


Step 5: Launch the Newsreader

Once installed, launch the Newshosting Newsreader using the desktop shortcut or by running the following command in the terminal:



Note: The Newshosting Newsreader is compatible with x86_64 architecture on Linux.

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