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NZBGet Setup
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NZBGet Setup Guide for Newshosting Users


To set up NZBGet with your Newshosting subscription, follow these steps:​


1. Download and Install NZBGet

Obtain the latest stable version of NZBGet from their official website. During installation, you may customize directory settings as needed.​


2. Access NZBGet's Web Interface

After installation, launch NZBGet. It will place an icon in the system tray and open a browser window displaying the Web interface.​


3. Configure News Server Settings

  • In the Web interface, click on the "Settings" tab at the top.​



  • From the side menu, select "News-Servers".​



  • If a temporary server is listed, replace its information with your Newshosting details. Alternatively, click "Add Server" to input new information.​

Enter the following details:

  • Active: Yes​
  • Name: A simple identifier for the server (e.g., "Newshosting")​
  • Optional: No​
  • Group: 0 (or another group number if organizing multiple servers)​
  • Host: The hostname provided in your confirmation email​
  • Port: For SSL, enter 563; for non-SSL, enter 119. Alternative ports may be specified if preferred.​
  • Username: Your Newshosting username​
  • Password: Your Newshosting password​
  • JoinGroup: No​
  • Encryption: Select "Yes" for SSL; otherwise, select "No".​
  • Cypher: Leave this field blank.​
  • Connections: Enter the number of connections allowed by your account; if uncertain, start with 20.​
  • Article Retention: Specify a number to filter out posts older than the set number of days. Leaving this field blank allows for maximum article retention.​
  • IpVersion: Set to "Auto".​
  • Notes: Optional field for any additional information about the account.



4. Test and Save Settings

  • Click the "Test Server" button to verify the connection. A "Connection Successful" message should appear.​
  • If an error occurs, double-check your entries for accuracy. If issues persist, contact Newshosting's Support Team with the error code for assistance.​
  • After a successful test, click "Save Changes" and ensure the server is marked as "Active".​


You are now ready to use NZBGet with your Newshosting service.​

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